SMH, Another Article on Lesbianism in the Local Church, WOW!

Pastor Fred Pastor Fred C. Rochester

prevailing word ministries

Biblically Bold And Truthful Statements About Sexual Immorality Issues Affecting Believers In Jesus
FEBRUARY 2, 2015

The Danger Of Lesbianism Leadership In The Christian Church

As some of you may know, Jericho City of Praise in Maryland has a new pastor installed by members of a Board. The battle in the courts between the Board and Bishop Joel Peebles continues. The newly installed pastor at Jericho, Dr. Jasmin Sculark, also known as “Dr. Jazz,” has a very charismatic presence.

On a side note, in an attempt to be neutral and objective, the appearance of Sculark becoming pastor at Jericho is extremely questionable. I could be mistaken about this but it appears that the Board is seeking legitimacy by installing a pastor to appear that it is business as usual, attempting to be normal. It’s especially questionable when it appears that there is already a pastor in place after the passing of Betty Peebles. I do not know everything as God does, however, if I were asked to pastor a church that has unresolved legal challenges regarding who is supposed to be the pastor, wisdom dictates that you decline the offer. If there is grace from God, not from Jakes or any high profile Bishop or Pastor, I’d wait until the final earthly ruling is indisputably made. You allow the two parties exhaust all legal challenges until a ruling is reached by the courts. Even after a ruling, sometimes people will become unruly.

Even before relief from the courts is sought and achieved, if there is no grace to pastor that church as God’s set person, preachers should be careful not to interfere or intrude, or they will end in disgrace.

In a non objective statement I’m about to make, while we do not know everything, one certain participant in this debate over Jericho City Of Praise, I believe, and I could be wrong, was severely judged by God with an illness that brought that person to the brink of death.

That’s one mega reason to steer clear and let God have His way.

If it were me, I would not dare think about walking into a minefield with an identifying sign saying “STEP HERE” on each mine.

Finally, on this subject, watch the tree and the fruit of Sculark. If there is no good fruit, it’s time to scoot.

Sadly, people will eat bad fruit from a bad tree and look at you square in the face and say that it is good fruit, and offer you a bite.

According to certain sources, there has been some serious statements alleging her sexual preference.

Bluntly, lesbianism.

Unless I am missing it, there seems to be no denial about these allegations from Dr. Sculark.

In 2012, the Ugandan government made a very powerful stand as a government to outlaw homosexuality.

On the Robert F. Kennedy website, there is a letter, signed by 30 pastors that support LGBT’s agenda to urge the Ugandan government to rescind their laws.

One signature that is of note is Sculark who at the time was the pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church in York, PA.

In the OT, Shiloh, if you recall, was the place where the Ark of the Covenant was taken by the Philistines because of the sexual immorality of the sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas.

Be careful about naming your church after Shiloh.

The letter and the signatures of these pastors can be read here.

There were several high profile leaders at the installation of Dr. Sculark. Most notably, Bishop T.D. Jakes of The Potters House in Dallas TX. His involvement, endorsement, and presence at this installation cannot be overlooked, swept under the rug, masked, or hidden behind great oratorical skill.

When sin is not crucified at the cross, ultimately it will destroy the person.

Sin is acceptable in the pulpit because it is unchecked in the heart of man.

Her signature is not evidence in and of itself that Sculark is a homosexual, however, when you support the sin of homosexuality by signing a letter, you are already an enemy of the cross of Christ. To be on the side of homosexuality is to be against God. The Ugandan government took extreme measures to protect its people from the destructive forces of homosexuality. It underscores the fact that when people run from the Gospel of Jesus Christ to help deliver people from the destruction of sin, either the government will allow sin to run its course and destroy them, or take decisive action.

There is a serious undercurrent that many in the Body of Christ is not paying attention to.

The undercurrent of lesbianism in the Christian Church.

Powerful women of influence is cropping up faster than a comet. Not every woman is a practicing homosexual or sympathetic to the LGBT agenda in support of the sin of homosexuality. However, you have to be very watchful. Behind the scenes we are seeing a general acceptance of homosexuality.

It is now front and center.

The dangers of homosexual leadership, be it male or female is as result of permitting the sin of adultery, fornication, porn, masturbation, and bisexuality go unchecked. It is the doctrine of devils and seducing spirits. It is the bed of fornication in the city of Babylon that many professed believers are in.

This is a stench before God.

No sin will go unpunished.

When man rejects the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to set men and women free, there is only one place where sin and practitioners of sin must go.

The lake which burns with fire and brimstone.

Until there is a clear renunciation of this signature. Unless there is a clear declaration of renunciation of the sin of homosexuality from those that profess to be pastors and bishops. Unless there is a clear reversal of those that signed that document, their ministry, at best, is suspect.

Even those that are connected in any way with Sculark, namely Jakes and others, their ministry is suspect if they refuse to vehemently renounce the sin of homosexuality.

Either you are for the Lord or you are against Him. If you are lukewarm, you will not last another second in the mouth of Jesus. If you are a professed believer, you must make your choice. God gives space for people to repent. However, for some, space is limited. There is not much sand left in the hour glass. For when that last grain slips through, the law of gravity will not be denied.

For some, we will see that time is up.

They have already slipped into eternity.

For others, they will live out their days and it will be a testimony to them that God was gracious to give you time to repent, but you failed to take advantage of the grace of God to repent.

Watch where you go to attend church services and watch who you are hooked up with. Watch who your leaders are hooked up with. Bad connections yield more bad connections. Sin is not “ok.” Look at the destructive forces behind sin. It should be a deterrent to commit or permit sin in the local church. Have an “I don’t care” attitude about sin, and you will die in your sins. There is no middle ground or compromise. Otherwise, the death of Jesus for our sins is in vain.

If your pastor or bishop doesn’t take a clear stand against ALL sin, including the sin of homosexuality according to LGBT, you are in danger and in jeopardy. Psalm 1 is the clear demarcation.

Walk in the counsel of the ungodly, stand in the way of sinners, sitting in the seat of mockers, and you will be burned.

As far as women in the ministry is concerned, we must be very careful about the fruit that manifests. The gift of gab is not the call to preach. Just because you sound anointed, it doesn’t mean that you are anointed. The evidence of ministry is not in charisma. The fruit must be present. Good trees produce good fruit. Bad trees produce bad fruit.

You can’t preach about Jesus and live in the very sin that Jesus died to set us free from.

You can’t preach about holiness and live in sin. You can’t talk about salvation if you are still in the burning building.

Be very careful of the spirit of compromise. If there is an exception to the Bible preached in the pulpit, it is a dead giveaway that a pastor is compromised and honor wickedness over holiness.


DMV turnout much lower than expected for Jericho Installation

On Sunday September 7, 2014 Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop Alfred Owens and Pastor John Jenkins gathered at the Jericho city of Praise for the installation of their newest hireling Jasmin Sculark.

The installation of the 3rd hireling brought in by the illegitimate board of trustees now at Jericho was a ploy by the six to try to legitimize their church and board and make Dr. Jazz the front man for their illegal  organization. The six self-appointed employee board were so desperate to get someone to fill the seats that they offered Dr. Jazz the job with a reported salary in the neighborhood of $300,000 a year without having seen a resume, application, candidates letter.  Jazz stated during the installation  “I did not submit a resume,  candidates letter, had never done scripture, or prayed in the church.  The first time I stepped in the pulpit was as Pastor Select.”  She was not voted in by the members of Jericho because the 6 trustees are the only voting members.   Despite bringing in local mega-church  pastors John Jenkins, Bishop and Co-Pastor Susie Owens and the heavy hitter T.D. Jakes it was evidently clear by the turn out yesterday that the DMV was not feeling the hype nor the smoke and mirrors and was not buying what they were selling.  It is reported that it cost approximately $70 to $80,000.00 to bring in T.D. Jakes to hype up an event.   Having in attendance two local mega-Pastors, plus members from the Shilow Baptist Church York, PA, plus people from Trinidad, other local pastors who want to be in Jake’s shadow, along with the regular TD takes groupies, numerous PR firms, TV Ads, Radio Ads, numerous online invitations for everybody & anybody plus the TD Jakes name brand, could not fill up the church building.


  jericho empty church     jericho instal 1 installation of Jazz

                 The takeaways here:

1. Educated Christians in the DMV with discernment saw right thru this PR move.  2. People in the DMV know that the six (6) supposed board members (Dr. Jazz’s bosses) reek with the stench of foul play and financial impropriety.  3. Discerning Christians know that – Doing the right thing in the wrong season is still wrong.  4. In the  DMV you can’t force feed discerning Christians the same old soup and expect them to swallow it.  5. We in the DMV have seen this play before, look up the Paula White appointment.



Now the show is over and Jericho is still facing four (4) active legal cases that will return the church and it’s assets to the people whose tithes and offerings built it and nurtured it.


The DMV did not show up as expected to support Dr. Jasmin Sculark’s installation.  Dispite a full court press Public relations campaign and media blitz which included, TV. radio, Newspapers, digital magazine, social media.

The City Of Praise Family Ministries 2014 Year In Review

aerial shot jericho1

 A Must See Video,

Click this picture below to see our video:


Click This Picture:

Recently Discovered Video Showing A Prophecy by Dr. Myles Munroe over Bishop Joel R. Peebles Sr.

Dr. Myles Munroe

myles-munroe 2

Dr. Myles Monroe told Bishop Joel R. Peebles Sr. 23 years ago the difficulties that he was to endure and the outcome. This video is from a 1992 revival service where Dr. Myles Munroe was the guest speaker at Jericho Baptist Church on Douglas St in N.E. Washington, DC. Dr. Munroe prophesied over Bishop Joel R. Peebles Sr.  He first spoke to him off mic and said to him that, “the enemy would put obstacles in your way but you should not worry.  You’ll have the victory through them all. You will go through great pain and a difficult season.  But at the end you will recover everything.”   Dr. Munroe then shouted for him to receive it.  Note that the information was difficult for Bishop Joel to receive. Also notice in the video that after Dr. Myles Monroe laid hands on Bishop Joel that his father the late Bishop James Peebles Sr. knelt down at his son’s feet along with Dr. Myles Munroe’s armor bearer. The prophecy that he gave on mic at the end of the video is powerful.

To View the Video Click the Picture Above:


November 2014 City of Praise Legal Update

Legal Update 1

There have been several developments within the past 90 days that have occurred in our fight to return our Landover (Jericho) campus. It is important to note that Apostle Betty Peebles died in October 2010.  The self-appointed employee board filed suit against Bishop Joel Peebles and Chairman William Meadows days after Apostle Betty Peebles died and before she was buried.  The congregation has filed 4 suits against the self-appointed board.  The congregation WON the records case and we now have both Corporate and personal bank records. The self-elected board has dragged these cases on for over FOUR (4) years.  They have used our tithes and offerings to pay their lawyers. The only ones benefiting from this is the lawyers.  There are currently four (4) active cases.  The statute of limitations has run out.  There can be no new cases.  They have run out of tricks and have boxed themselves in.  They have avoided a jury trial for four years.  Their day of reckoning is rapidly approaching.  It is imperative that we pray for the souls that will be displaced.  It seems that they have stuck their heads in the sand.  Everyone knows that their days are numbered but them.


Summary Judgment:  a court order ruling when a judge determines that there are no disputed material issues of fact in a case, and the side asking for it is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.  As used here, “material issues of fact” refers to any facts that could allow a fact-finder to decide against one side. If the motion is granted, there will be no trial.


First Case:  Court of Special Appeals Maryland.  The Appeal for the Articles Case:   This case was granted a summary judgment by Judge Jackson on 2/4/2014.  We filed an appeal to the Court of Special Appeals.  The Jericho six (the Defendants) filed a motion to Dismiss the case.

Response from the Court:  11/17/14   Request denied    Trial Date January 9, 2015

Second Case:  The DC Court Case 2013 CA 007115 in DC Superior Court, Robert George, ET AL. V Clarence Jackson ET AL.: The Jericho Six, filed a Motion to Dismiss the case on 12/03/13.

Response from the Court:  04/23/14  Request denied   Trial  2015

Third Case:    Jericho Baptist Church Ministries, Inc. V.  Joel R. Peebles Sr. and Chairman William Meadows: The Jericho Six,  filed a motion for Summary Judgment on June 2, 2014, the hearing was held on October  2, 2014

Response from the Court:   11/26/14   Request denied  Trial  2015


Fourth Case:   The Federal Case              Action Pending