Pastor Joel’s offer to purchase his mother’s house was rejected by the executors of her estate! Guess who? Michael and DeeDee Freeman

Recently Pastor Joel received a series of e-mails regarding his mother’s house and personal property. First, the trustees of the estate gave Pastor Joel an unreasonable amount of time to come to his mother’s house, to look and see what was there and to arrange to remove any of the personal property (furniture, clothes etc.).  Of course that is if anything was left in the house after the rogue board members allegedly took what they wanted.  After Apostle’s death, it was reported that these rogue board members were seen coming out of the residence loaded with trash bags and boxes of stuff. Hmm!!!

Secondly, Pastor Joel R. Peebles’s offer to purchase his mother’s house was rejected recently.  The personal Representatives/Executor’s (the Freeman’s) would not even show mercy or grace to him (common courtesy).  Come on!  These “Christians” would not afford Pastor Joel and the Peebles family the opportunity to keep the home that they the nieces and nephews spent their childhood and holidays in, to remain in that family.  Wow!!!

Pastor Joel received a letter telling him to come get your mothers stuff before we drop it off to a storage facility.  Pastor Joel has not been allowed in the house up to this point, now you give him just a few days.   SHAME ON YOU!!!

Can you see Christ Jesus anywhere in this decision? We believe that non-christians would have a more christ like response in the same situation. UNBELIEVABLE!!!